Riya Sokół - "Awaken as Love"

Na scenie Dzień Dobry TVN wystąpiła Riya Sokół. Wokalistka wykonała utwór zatytułowany "Awaken as Love".

Riya Sokół - "Awaken as Love" (tekst piosenki)

Here we are

Facing each other

Mirroring the shadows and the gifts

Ready to see

Many steps behind us

So much still in front of us

Yet we’re coming back to love

Over and over

Rooted deeply in trust

We are flying high to see

As we NOW awaken as love

Here we Dance

In never ending spirals

Surrendering and letting love to guide us

Creating our lives

Many steps behind us

So much still in front of us

Yet we’re coming back to love

Over and over

Rooted deeply in trust

We are flying high to see

As we NOW awaken as love

Seeing Gifts of giving and receiving

Emerging from the one

Knowing that we’re much more than we can see

We are love

Many steps behind us

So much still in front of us

Yet we’re coming back to love

Over and over

Rooted deeply in trust

We are flying high to see

As we NOW awaken as love

As we NOW awaken as love

Autor: Redakcja Dzień Dobry TVN

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