Lou Doillon - "Too Much"

Lou Doillon to francuska aktorka, modelka i piosenkarka. Na scenie Dzień Dobry TVN zaprezentowała piosenkę zatytułowaną "Too Much". Utwór pochodzi z jej ostatniego albumu "Soliloquy", który ukazał się w lutym 2019 r.

Lou Doillon - "Too Much" - tekst piosenki

Oh I've been pacing up and down

This corridor

Waiting for you to swing open the door

Is there something that I'm missing?

Or is there too much that I'm showing?

I know since I've found my way

But me yes I've come in

So I smile a little too much

And the glass comes quick to the mouth

And I go on and on

Sometime just like there is to this

So I smile a little too much

And the glass comes quick to the mouth

And I go on and on

Sometime just like there is to this

There must be something deep within that

I need to prove to ya

Maybe I'm not what you expected to find

Yes I'm all out on display and what I spend

A life together in Aid I'll give away

Yes in Aid I'll give away

So I smile a little too much

And the glass comes quick to the mouth

And I go on and on

Sometime just…

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