Gosia Pauka to polska wokalistka i aktorka, którą charakteryzuje niezwykła energia i charyzma. Na naszej scenie wykonała utwór Alice Merton - "No Roots".
Kim jest Gosia Pauka?
Gosia Pauka urodziła się we Wrocławiu, a wychowała w Środzie Śląskiej. Jest absolwentką Wydziału Aktorskiego Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Teatralnej im. Ludwika Solskiego w Krakowie. Uczęszczała również do Studium Musicalowego przy Teatrze Muzycznym Capitol we Wrocławiu. Śpiewa i gra na pianinie, a na co dzień pracuje na scenie teatralnej. Jej idolkami są Beyonce, Sade i Björk. Pasjami Gosi są kino i jazda na motocyklach.
Alice Merton - "No Roots" (tekst piosenki)
Na scenie Dzień Dobry TVN wokalistka i aktorka wykonała przebój piosenkarki i kompozytorki, Alice Merton - "No Roots".
I like digging holes and hiding things inside them
When I grow old, I hope I won't forget to find them
'Cause I've got memories and travel like gypsies in the night
I build a home and wait for someone to tear it down
Then pack it up in boxes, head for the next town running
'Cause I've got memories and travel like gypsies in the night
And a thousand times I've seen this road
A thousand times
I've got no roots, but my home was never on the ground
I've got no roots, but my home was never on the ground
I've got no roots
I've got no roots
I've got no roots, but my home was never on the ground
I've got no roots, but my home was never on the ground
I've got no roots
I've got no roots
I like standing still, but that's just a wishful plan
Ask me where I come from, I'll say a different land
But I've got memories and travel like gypsies in the night
I count gates and numbers, then play the guessing game
It's just the place that changes, the rest is still the same
But I've got memories and travel like gypsies in the night
And a thousand times I've seen this road
A thousand times
I've got no roots, but my home was never on the ground
I've got no roots, but my home was never on the ground
I've got no roots
I've got no roots
I've got no roots, but my home was never on the ground
I've got no roots, but my home was never on the ground
I've got no roots
I've got no roots
I like digging holes
Hiding things inside them
When I grow old
I won't forget to find them
I like digging holes
Hiding things inside them
When I grow old
I won't forget to find them
I've got no roots
No roots
I've got no roots, but my home was never on the ground
I've got no roots, but my home was never on the ground
I've got no roots
I've got no roots
I've got no roots, but my home was never on the ground
I've got no roots, but my home was never on the ground
I've got no roots
I've got no roots (no)
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>>> Zobacz także:
- Scena DDTVN: Gosia Pauka - "Miasto kobiet"
- Na odstresowanie po całym dniu: „Dziecinnie prosta piosenka” zespołu Hash Cookie
- Rosalie – „Nie mów”. Jej ciepły, magiczny głos hipnotyzyje. Przekonaj się!
Autor: Iza Dorf